News Ticker
Jun 19 2024
Removed webstore, added all items onto the gamestore buyable with tibia coins.
Jun 18 2024
Removed Dragon scale set, Golden set from the npc: CB Radio. Added premium scroll onto the gamestore, now able to boost your skill gain with 10%.
Jun 17 2024
Added new druid spells, they can now create bomb runes, health/spirit and mana runes. See wiki for more info.
Jun 13 2024
Added newsarchive, now visible witin the menu options, Changelogs will now be updated over at the Trashformers webpage instead of discord.
Apr 09 2024
Trashformers Mini-Season Boost even is now active and live. Take part of 500% exp boost, 500% loot boost, 400% skill boost and a 100% tibia coins bonus upon purshase!
Server Commands
!online Showcases current online players in server logs.
!flask on/off Enables flasks or disables them, disabled by default.
!hiddenshop Showcases hidden npc items.
!emote on/off Enables or disables spells in local chat.
!hiddenshop Showcases hidden npc items.
!buyhouse Standing in front of house doors - buys a house.
!leavehouse Leaves a house, this takes place at server save.
!sellhouse player Sells a house to a player (using trade window). In order to sell a house both players must accept a trade, additionally the seller must stand inside the house which is being sold.
House Commands aleta sio - guest list (Cannot move, use items)
aleta som - subowners list
aleta grav - access to a door
alana sio - Kick player out of your house
!position Gives current position of your character.
!reward Gives you a selection menu every 48h, where you can select one of the durable exercise weapons. (1800 charges)
!bless Blesses your character by the 7 gods.
!mount name Unlocks a mount, if the character has gained the mount doll.
!addon name Gives your character an addon if the character has gained the addon doll.
!deposit (param) Deposit, withdraw, balance and the usual bank params works from anywhere with this command.
!outfit Gives your party the same outfit as the party owner.
!bp For 10k gold coins, this will give your character a backpack.
!broadcast message Broadcasts your message out in server log for all players to see, costs 150k gold.
!promote Promotes your character.
!refill Refils a selection of rings and amulets.
!stamina param Allows you to buy selected amount of stamina.
!autoloot on/off Turns auto loot on or off, on by default.
Players online: 0
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