News Ticker
Jun 19 2024
Removed webstore, added all items onto the gamestore buyable with tibia coins.
Jun 18 2024
Removed Dragon scale set, Golden set from the npc: CB Radio. Added premium scroll onto the gamestore, now able to boost your skill gain with 10%.
Jun 17 2024
Added new druid spells, they can now create bomb runes, health/spirit and mana runes. See wiki for more info.
Jun 13 2024
Added newsarchive, now visible witin the menu options, Changelogs will now be updated over at the Trashformers webpage instead of discord.
Apr 09 2024
Trashformers Mini-Season Boost even is now active and live. Take part of 500% exp boost, 500% loot boost, 400% skill boost and a 100% tibia coins bonus upon purshase!
Server Information
Client: 13.32 Download Trashformers Client
Server Save 07:00:05 (GMT - 4)
Afk kickout 15 minutes
Experiance gain differance 250 levels from player kill
Free blessings To level 100
PvP Protection Level 1-41
You can not be killed by other players until you hit level 41
Exp Stages 1 - 8 - x250
9 - 50 - x200
51 - 75 - x150
76 - 100 - x125
101 - 150 - x100
151 - 200 - x75
201 - 250 - x50
251 - 300 - x40
301 - 350 - x30
351 - 400 - x25
401 - 450 - x20
451 - 500 - x16
501 - 600 - x14
601 - 700 - x12
701 - 900 - x11
901 - 1000 - x10
1001 - 1300 - x8
1301 - 1500 - x6
1501 - 1501+ - x4
Skill Stages 0 - 49 - x50
50 - 59 - x40
60 - 69 - x35
70 - 79 - x30
80 - 89 - x22
90 - 99 - x20
100 - 109 - x18
110 - 140 - x16
141 - 141+ - x6
Magic Stages 0 - 49 - x50
50 - 59 - x40
60 - 69 - x35
70 - 79 - x30
80 - 89 - x22
90 - 99 - x20
100 - 109 - x18
110 - 140 - x16
141 - 141+ - x6
Loot Rate x2.5
Death loss Percent 1%
House dummies Can be used by 10 player(s) at once.
Party Share boost 0.80%, at a range of 50.
Party Share Level Range 50% of your current level, goes both ways.
Wheel Points per level: 1 points per level.
Actions: Time between Actions: 200ms

Time between ex Actions: 750ms
Commands Click for more information
Players online: 0
Registered accounts:
~ 26 ~