News Ticker
Jun 19 2024
Removed webstore, added all items onto the gamestore buyable with tibia coins.
Jun 18 2024
Removed Dragon scale set, Golden set from the npc: CB Radio. Added premium scroll onto the gamestore, now able to boost your skill gain with 10%.
Jun 17 2024
Added new druid spells, they can now create bomb runes, health/spirit and mana runes. See wiki for more info.
Jun 13 2024
Added newsarchive, now visible witin the menu options, Changelogs will now be updated over at the Trashformers webpage instead of discord.
Apr 09 2024
Trashformers Mini-Season Boost even is now active and live. Take part of 500% exp boost, 500% loot boost, 400% skill boost and a 100% tibia coins bonus upon purshase!

Trashformers Rules

Trashformers is an online role-playing game, In order to ensure that the game is fun for everyone, we expect all players to behave in a reasonable and respectful manner.
We reserve the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game, on the official website or in any other part of our services. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following offences:

1. Names

a) Names which contain insulting (e.g. "Bastard"), racist (e.g. "Nigger"), extremely right-wing (e.g. "Hitler"), sexist (e.g. "Bitch") or offensive (e.g. "Copkiller") language.
b) Names containing nonsensical combinations of letters (e.g. "Fgfshdsfg").
c) Names which were created to fake other players' identities (e.g. "Arieswer" instead of "Arieswar"), official positions (e.g. "System Admin").

2. Cheating

a) Exploiting obvious errors of the game ("bugs") or website, for instance to duplicate items. If you find an error you must report it to us immediately.
b) Intentional abuse of weaknesses in the gameplay, for example arranging objects or players in a way that other players cannot move them.
c) Trying to steal other players' account data ("hacking", "Phishing").
d) Omitting the multi-client limit by using for example proxy services. The current limit is 4 online characters per player

3. Gamemasters

a) Threatening a gamemaster because of his or her actions or position as a gamemaster.
b) Pretending to be a gamemaster or to have influence on the decisions of a gamemaster.
c) Intentionally giving wrong or misleading information to a gamemaster concerning his or her investigations or making false reports about rule violations.

Terms of Service (ToS)

a) We as "us", Trashformers. Have the right of punishing player as "you", if rules has/have been exploited and/or if we as "us", Trashformers. Have an valid judgement applied to the judgement of our actions.
b) Ownership of accounts are directed to us as Trashformers Team, we as "us", Trashformers. Have the rights of way of choice what happens to the account of a player as "you" if rules or exploits are not followed.
c) The download and/or access by a third-party software and/or program and/or website is not our responsibility. Any loss of data, items, account(s) are not a valid reason of a charge-back and/or re-creation of your items.

Frequently asked Questions (F.A.Q)

How do I login to Trashformers?

In-order to login on Trashformers, you'll need to use your email address as your account name.

Can I use bot on Trashformers?

We do not allow cave-bots or healing bots on our server. We do allow training bots only.

Where is Trashformers hosted?

Our server host is located in the US. It's online 24/7.

Why is my anti-virus detecting Trashformers-Launcher?

Since an Auto-updater (Launcher) uses compress Technology to zip and unzip from a URL, it may issue an False-Positive case. If you are an developer, our launcher is based on (Public source code) Canary Launcher.

False positives (false alarms) are harmless files or URLs that are incorrectly identified as malicious by the antivirus program. Source: Avira.

To fix this, you can simply white list the folder and/or application through your anti-virus software.

Real World Trading (R-W-T)

We do not accept Real world trading, this means selling items and/or accounts through real world currency. If this we're to occur on your or anyone else's behalf, we do not take responsibility of your actions and/or outcome of what happens next. This will not result in any bannishment, but you'll have to suffer the consequences of your own actions.

If your questions are not stated here, you can reach us over on Trashformers Discord or create an Support Ticket.

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